
We Support

Exion Systems is committed to creating a better and more sustainable world. We are committed to supporting these carefully chosen social causes as part of our social responsibility towards making the world a better place for all.

Child Education

Technology has become one of the most essential tools of education today. Child education and career skill development is a priority for our country’s better future.

Wellness & Health Awareness

Health & Wellness We understand the importance of having healthy communities. Building awareness about health and wellness will help people make better lifestyle choices.

Women Empowerment

We are committed to support and encourage women empowerment initiatives that help women understand their true potential and support growth opportunities and skill development.

Are You An NGO/Social Cause Initiator who is actively working for any of the above mentioned social initiatives and are looking for support?

As a part of our responsible business commitment, we have created a procedure for acceptance and selection of projects that we are willing to collaborate and support as per our guidelines.

Past Programs

Child Education

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis gravida tortor, tincidunt hendrerit leo tempor nec. Nam eu purus libero. Vestibulum eget nisl commodo, molestie urna tincidunt, 

Wellness & Health Awareness

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis gravida tortor, tincidunt hendrerit leo tempor nec. Nam eu purus libero. Vestibulum eget nisl commodo, molestie urna tincidunt, 

Wellness & Health Awareness

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis gravida tortor, tincidunt hendrerit leo tempor nec. Nam eu purus libero. Vestibulum eget nisl commodo, molestie urna tincidunt, 

Women Empowerment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis gravida tortor, tincidunt hendrerit leo tempor nec. Nam eu purus libero. Vestibulum eget nisl commodo, molestie urna tincidunt, 

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We Support

Exion Systems is a tech innovator and socially responsible organisation that makes the latest IT products and services easily accessible to everyone, be it individuals or organisations, in a scalable, cost effective and need based model.

Unit – 207, 2nd Flr, New Satguru Industrial Estate, Shri Ram Mandir Rd, Geetanji Railway Colony, Ram Nagar, Goregaon – East, Mumbai – 400083.

© exionsystem2021